Ecolog Engineering from Palgey-Maim Group, is a consulting and planning company in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, and hydrogeology.The company was established in 2002 and has extensive experience with major bodies in the industry.
Environmental Engineering
Expertise in groundwater and contaminated soil treatment, preparation of environmental documents and surveys, environmental supervision within infrastructure planning and construction, conducting historical surveys, soil and soil gas surveys, preparing reports and environmental documents for industries from various sectors.
Development of conceptual and numerical models for groundwater flow and contaminant transport, consulting on water dewatering issues for engineering projects, planning of production wells and monitoring wells, hydrogeological opinions for infrastructure planning.
Water supply
In recent years, water resource has become an important and valuable resource that is gradually dwindling.
Ecolog`s Water Supply department conducts general and detail design of water supply systems and facilities such as: water pipelines, reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations and water supply wells and preparation of master plans.