IRBCA – Israel Risk Based Corrective Action is a methodology implemented in Israel to assess risks arising from land and water pollution. This methodology examines the toxicity of pollutants, transport routes (soil, soil gas, water and air), and receptors, which may be exposed to pollutants (both public health and the environment), and the different ways of receptor exposure to pollutants. Ecolog in collaboration with Golder Associates (International consulting and design company), updated the methodology, designed and developed a designated mathematical model while improving risk assessment procedures efficiency in Israel. The model is designed to provide the risk assessor and the regulator with efficient and appropriate tools for examining the results of risk assessments and advancing the decision-making process. The new characteristics of the computational model in IRBCA and the updated guidelines include a process for assessing risks from recreational exposure to pollution in surface water sources and sediment, calculation of threshold values for remediation in Tier 2 for TPH-DRO, ORO & GRO hydrocarbon groups, and a database of over 800 chemicals.
The model has the ability of adding new parameters using a given value range for site-specific parameters, as well as a comprehensive graphical user interface design.